Get Funds is an online account management tool that enables employees and students to manage their Comet Card accounts and make real-time deposits to Comet Cash. This site also provides valuable information about account balances and spending history, and enables you to report a lost or stolen card at any time of day or night.
Comet Cash - Comet Cash is a declining balance account that can be used for purchases at various locations on-campus, including all dining locations. Comet Cash will carry over from semester to semester. For locations that accept Comet Cash click here.
Meal Swipe, Meal Money & Guest Passes - These tenders are only associated with traditional meal plans.
Traditional Meal Plans - All first year students living on campus will be required to carry a meal plan. For more information regarding meal plans click here.
Comet Card Office
The University of Texas at Dallas
800 W Campbell Rd. SSA14
Richardson, TX 75080